Zoom access information for the Sunday services: https://zoom.us/j/91687042498?pwd=TGpQWWl6bk0vM2ZHMVA4U0wrbnYwQT09
Meeting ID: 916 8704 2498—Passcode: CUUF Or, join us by phone: 312-626-6799—Meeting ID: 916 8704 2498—Passcode: 324633
Event Details
Zoom access information for the Sunday services: https://zoom.us/j/91687042498?pwd=TGpQWWl6bk0vM2ZHMVA4U0wrbnYwQT09Meeting ID: 916 8704 2498—Passcode: CUUF Or, join us by phone: 312-626-6799—Meeting ID: 916 8704 2498—Passcode: 324633
Do nonviolent movements make change, or is violence necessary in conflict situations?
Two political scientists explored this question through the first comprehensive research project on the efficacy of civil resistance. At this service, we’ll explore their findings and how to apply them to address the many social issues and political divides in our world today.